2024 Minutes
12 December 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Guests: None
Motion by Budd Frye/Brian Bayha to Approve the November Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
President’s Report:
Please see the President’s remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org.
Finance Report: Bourne.
Nonrestricted Fund Revenue: $766 merchandise sales and donations at Ann Arbor VA with $341 cost of goods sold, 55% gross margin, before a 20% fee to the VA.
Nonrestricted Fund Expenses: We experienced a 100% increase in cost per copy to print the Dispatch for mailing due to ownership change at OfficeMax and policy changes
Restricted Fund Revenue:
$12,300 donated for Ann Arbor VA Christmas Program.
$980 donated for Support the Troops packing party
Restricted Fund Expenses:
$972 for packing party postage which resulted in an $8 surplus
$866 for the second of four budgeted steak dinner upgrades at Ann Arbor VA
AVVA Report: The AVVA report is no longer being printed in the Dispatch but is being emailed separately to those who request it. The AVVA report is also online at https://vva310.org/newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: Harrison - Realized $754 of merchandise sales plus $12 donations. We are limited on the space that we have near the canteen. Next sales date is Dec. 17th from 0800 to 1330. Any help is appreciated.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Bull - Commented that the sleeping bag program has collected 20 bags to date. Police approval is required to allow homeless Veterans to sleep in their cars in the lower parking lot at Saline American Legion.
Michigan State Council: Driscoll/Wilson – Tim reported that VVA national membership has increased by over 2,000 in the last year. As of September 30, there were 92,126 members and increasing each month. Sandie stated that a MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) is awaiting Jack McManus’ signature. This MOU states that 91,000 specimens collected from Operation Ranch Hand participants will be transported from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to medical facilities in California. This is a step forward as birth defects research work continues related to toxic exposure.
Memorial Maintenance: No report
Website: McCrumb. We have had over 454,700 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: McCrumb. We are officially at 220 members.
Newsletter: We have experienced increased copying costs and encourage all to receive the Dispatch via email.
Health Care: Wilson. Ann Arbor VA has been offering us great health care for years. They are waiting to service your needs.
LTCCSKMC: Kinzinger – Christmas Party is scheduled for Tuesday, 17 December. Meet in the lobby at 1730 for our Christmas visit. Stacey Mason and the current Miss Michigan will join us there.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Good of the Order:
Milton Davis – Reported that a North Carolina flood relief semi-truck is leaving Michigan on Dec. 15th/16th to take formula, hygiene items, winter coats, etc. to the Asheville, NC area. Motion made by Throneberry/Bayha to fund $1,000 toward this effort. Motion approved.
John Kinzinger – Stated that we need to organize a fund-raising team to generate funds to support the Vietnam Memorial Long-term Landscaping Plan. Contact John if you are interested in joining this team. Throneberry mentioned combining this effort with another organization to maximize the effort.
Ann Arbor VA – There was discussion, pro and con, about the medical services provided at the VA. The consensus was that a combined effort of various veterans’ organizations should meet with the VA to express their concerns.
Bob Bull – Stated that suicides last year were the highest since the Civil War. He further stated that it takes all of us to assist in suicide prevention.
Brian Bayha – Commented what a great job the National Cemetery in Howell is doing to meet the veterans needs. He said he has executed a prepaid cremation arrangement with the cemetery
McCrumb: Breakfast on Friday at 0900 will be at Brewed Awakenings Café, 7025 E. Michigan Ave., Saline, MI 48176, (734) 316-2084
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1950.
14 November 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1902 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Tim Driscoll
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: Arthur Skiff was in Vietnam in 69 and 70 doing crash rescue. He left after seven years of active duty service.
Guests: Linda Massengill, Gary’s wife and Wendy Hibbitts, AVVA and Friend.
Motion by Bayha/Driscoll to Approve the October Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Please see the President’s remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org. Nothing much to report this month.
Finance Report: Bourne.
Nonrestricted Fund Revenue:
$822 merchandise sales and donations at AA VA with $337 cost of goods sold, 59% gross margin, before a 20% VA’s cut.
Nonrestricted Fund Expenses: $200 to Saline’s New Horizon Band
Restricted Fund Revenue: The first $400 came in on the VA Christmas Program
Restricted Fund Expenses:
$146 for pajamas and slippers for women at the AA VA and for candy for the Halloween Party
$1,200 fee for Landscaping Firm to develop a long-term landscaping program for the Memorial site.
AVVA Report: The AVVA report is no longer being printed in the Dispatch but is being emailed separately to those who request it. The AVVA report is also online at https://vva310.org/newsletter. Driscoll circulated the AAVA needs list. The Bingo program is making progress, and the patients really appreciate it, but it is not ready for units to sign up yet.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: As you heard during the finance report we had good sales at the VA. Things are gradually getting better there. We have a few people who come by regularly who bring more people with them.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: No report.
Michigan State Council: No report.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. Cutting teams are done for the year. The water and irrigation system have been drained and turned off. We really appreciate the few people who showed up for our fall cleanup.
Website: McCrumb. We have had 450,844 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: McCrumb. We are officially at 220 members. Arthur Skiff is not in the official count yet.
Newsletter: No report.
Health Care: Wilson. Ann Arbor VA has been offering us great health care for years. We hope it continues.
LTCCSKMC: Kinzinger. I mistakenly set our Halloween party at the VA for Halloween which meant many people couldn’t make it. But we did have a good time. There was a guy there looking like Beetlejuice – it was Stan. Sandie Martinez and Eric Downie also came. Ron Henley brought his pumpkins. Meet in the lobby on Tuesday, 17 December at 1730 for our Christmas visit. Stacey Mason and Alma Cooper, the current Miss Michigan (who also won the 2024 Miss USA pageant) will join us there.
Old Business: None.
New Business: Motion by Merritt, seconded by Frye to fund the 10-year Memorial Capital Improvement Program. The board approved this motion. Approved.
Good of the Order:
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Sinbad's Coney Island Restaurant, 2563 Ellsworth Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, (734) 528-5800.
Skiff: I have an electric cart and two walkers on my truck. They are free to whomever (734) 646-2748 needs any of it. They were my wife’s but she just passed away.
Throneberry: There are books on the pool table that are free to you. Please take one. This Sunday the program is about jeep shows. A jeep show is a USO show were two or three folks in a jeep go to the front lines for a day or two.
Davis: I have a 24’ enclosed trailer. I’d like to fill it to take items to North Carolina. It will go to the VFW that was in Chimney Rock. I’d especially like to take food that you add water too. The actual trip would be the middle of January or there about.
McCrumb: On 26 November at 1600 we will meet at Meijer’s on Ann Arbor Saline Road to do the shopping for the Dawn Farm Thanksgiving Dinner. We need to be at Dawn Farm at 1800.
McCrumb: The American Legion has a program called “Buddy Check” which encourages members to call several other members – especially ones that haven’t come to meetings in a while. VFW is thinking of doing something like that also. It makes me think that our VVA should do the same thing to make sure our inactive members are okay and to remind them they are welcome at our meetings and activities.
Wilson: We have been told that the black cooking utensils (spoons and stuff like that) have a non-stick coating that was made with fire retardant in them. As they get used, the fire retardant can get into your food.
Closing Prayer Bob Kwiecinski
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1945.
10 October 2024
Call to Order by Vice President Rivers at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Guests: None
Motion by Merritt/Bayha to Approve the September Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Please see the President’s remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org. Rivers: President McCrumb is excused so he could vacation up north.
Finance Report: Bourne.
Nonrestricted Fund Revenue:
$1,500 from anonymous donor we talked about last month. Total Pig Roast receipts were $10,299 less $2,642 expenses resulted in $7,657 profit, up $274 from last year.
$2,592 merchandise sales at AA VA and Clinton Fall Festival. Last year the Clinton Fall Festival had $2,441 merchandise sales plus $199 donations compared to $1,631 merchandise sales plus $85 donations this year, $924 decrease or 35%. The weather significantly decreased the number of attendees this year.
Nonrestricted Fund Expenses: Nothing of significance
Restricted Fund Revenue: No significant activity.
Restricted Fund Expenses:
We paid $177 for lawn service from the Memorial Maintenance fund.
We paid the VA $848 to upgrade one meal to steak and $100 toward the sock drive.
AVVA Report: The AVVA report is no longer being printed in the Dispatch but is being emailed separately to those who request it. The AVVA report is also online at https://vva310.org/newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: As you heard during the finance report we had four sales days: The VA and the Clinton Fall Festival. Our combined gross receipts were $2,591.82. We had a lot of good help for the Fall Festival. Thank you very much to those who put in the efforts. Unfortunately, the weather prevented good attendance. It was dreary most of the time it wasn’t raining. But we had the best ever sales at the VA to help make up for it. I have challenge coins here if anybody wants to buy one.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Our focus is still on the millage that is up for renewal in less than a month. There is still time to get the word out that we need to pass that, as it funds the Washtenaw County Department of Veterans Services.
We also want to make sure our membership represents all the groups in Washtenaw County that represent veterans. They don’t have to have a national charter. They just need to serve Washtenaw County veterans. If you know of any such groups, please let them know their voice can now be heard at Council meetings, if they join.
Michigan State Council: The Council has a great merchandising group. They went to Kokomo as usual.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. Cutting teams are still hard at work. We’ll stop watering this month.
We setup our fall cleanup for 26 October. We sent out an email. Please help if you can. We’ll have hotdogs and beverages. We’ll have Vietnam Era music or the Michigan – Michigan State game on the loudspeaker to keep you warm.
We are contracting with Todd’s Services to help us develop a long-term landscape management plan for the Memorial Grounds. This is for capital improvements over time, not a plan for doing routine maintenance. The original Memorial Committee already prepared for that when they built the Memorial. This new plan will help with decisions about how to solve the flooding problem, what to do for our struggling Spruce trees, how to keep the plants on the north property from encroaching on the Memorial grounds and so forth, anticipating what will happen over the next ten years.
Website: Rivers. We have had 447,521 hits since the website was last rebuilt. That means we had a bit more than 3,000 hits this month.
Membership: Rivers. We are steady at 220 members.
Newsletter: After many years of great service, Chief handed the Dispatch publication duties over to Paulo’s wife Ann Dempsey Pereira after a short period of training. Thank you to both Chief and Ann!
Health Care: Wilson. The VA now has a new Covid shot and this year’s flu shot ready for you. Remember the Swiss report indicating that senior citizens who use Tylenol have increased brain problems.
Agent Orange: Wilson. The US denies using any toxins at Fort Ord in California, despite the number of problems people have who served there. Recently, a veteran who was ordered to bury toxins on Fort Ord land pointed to spots on a satellite photo that showed where the burials happened because nothing grew on those spots. That evidence has been passed on to Congress so they can act since the administration won’t. If you know of other veterans who had similar orders on other bases, posts, forts or camps, please let us know. Their testimony could be vital to veterans getting the healthcare they need.
You may not know that VVA has an official Agent Orange Flag. Since we have an unofficial one, we have a new official one coming.
LTCCSKMC: Driscoll. I am still working with the VA to get the bingo program up to full speed. Bingo is especially appreciated by the folks in CLC. Also, the VA is now accepting volunteers to do many different types of work. Lastly, be in the lobby of the VA on Thursday, 31 October, in costume at 1730 for the annual VA Halloween visitation.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Good of the Order:
Throneberry: We made our fundraising goal. If all the promised money comes in, we’ll net about $20,000. We are still on WAAM and on the internet. Also, we are looking for new on-air talent. Contact me if you are interested.
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at the Bomber Restaurant, 306 E Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48198, (734) 482-0550.
We ended up giving the VA a total of 859 pairs of socks.
Our next effort for the VA is to collect winter coats, hats, scarves and gloves. They must all be clean and in good repair. We’ve turned in five bags so far.
Congress put a band-aid on the VA budget shortfall that will only hold them over a few months. It is time for Congress to do their job and fund the VA properly.
The next step in the 988 public awareness effort is to ask businesses, union halls, shopping centers and others to post 988 posters at their facilities across the state.
The American Legion Green Alert Resolution has been introduced into the Michigan Legislature.
The City of Jackson agreed to place the 988 card on every one of its municipal vehicles.
Free breakfast second Tuesday of the month at Harvest Moon Café on Michigan Ave near Carpenter. Please come out. I want to fill the place. It holds 120 people.
Wilson: Don’t forget to turn in your absentee ballot.
Bourne: Remember, due to a scheduling issue, the packing party was moved from 3 November to 10 November. Be at the VFW by 1500 on that day.
Harrison: We will do our sales on the third floor of the VA again on Tuesday, 12 November from 0800 to 1400.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1938.
12 September 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Guests: William H Luker (Jon’s brother) served 30 months in Thailand with the Army Security Agency during the Vietnam era and served a year in Iraq with the 3rd Civil Affairs after being called out of retirement during OIF.
Motion: by Bull/Merritt to approve the August Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Please see the President’s remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org.i
Finance Report: Bourne. ugust was a busy month.
Nonrestricted Fund Revenue:
We received $4,649 revenue for the Pig Roast this month. Since June, our total Pig Roast revenue is $8,799. During this time, our total expenses were $2,642, producing a profit of $6,157. That result is 17% less than last year. In September we received $1,500 from an anonymous donor which increased total profit $225 more than last year.
Merchandise was busy selling at the Pig Roast, the VA and at Vet Fest. The events brought in $1,400 with about 45% of that being profit.
Nonrestricted Fund Expenses:
$2,440 of the above-mentioned Pig Roast expenses were from August.
Restricted Fund Revenue: No significant activity.
Restricted Fund Expenses:
We paid $562 for tree service from the Memorial Maintenance fund.
Also keep in mind that last month we voted to approve transferring $2,000 from the general fund to the Memorial Maintenance Restricted Fund.
AVVA Report: The AVVA report is no longer being printed in the Dispatch but is being emailed separately to those who request it. The AVVA report is also online at https://vva310.org/newsletter. AVVA donated many socks to the VA Sock Drive.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: As you heard during the finance report we had three events. I want to thank everybody who helped with these events, especially to those who helped at the Pig Roast. AVVA and DAR were very busy helping us all day making sure we didn’t run out of food and serving the food. We are going to the VA on 17 September from 0800 to 1330. Help is always appreciated there. The next big thing is the Clinton Fall Festival. It will be starting Friday, 27 September and runs through Sunday the 29th. We’ll need help on many different things starting Thursday. Please review the signup book being passed around and sign up to help. I have challenge coins here if anybody wants to buy one. Although the Pig Roast didn’t draw as many people as we wanted, and we didn’t bring in the revenue we hoped, we the Pig Roast Committee will start meeting early next year to see what we need to do differently for next year.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Our next meeting is Monday night. Our focus is still on the millage that is up for renewal. There are still yard signs available for those who want one.
Michigan State Council: We held the State Convention with great attendance from Michigan Chapters.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. Cutting teams are still hard at work. I keep hearing good things from people who pass by while I’m there. Things are going well. We are working on building a long-term landscaping plan that will include replacing the aging Blue Spruce trees. Sandie Wilson has donated two pine trees which will be planted in the fall.
Website: McCrumb. We have had 444,634 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: McCrumb. We are up to 220 members.
Newsletter: After many years of service as Dispatch distributer, George Perrault is retiring. Paulo’s wife Anne Dempsey Pereira has volunteered to take over following her apprenticeship with the Chief. Since Paulo is the Dispatch editor, Anne will be in good hands.
Health Care: Wilson. A recent study done in Sweden indicates that senior citizens who use Tylenol have increased brain problems. A different study shows that women who were exposed to Roundup or its generic equivalents are at a higher risk of cancer. Despite knowledge of that, Congress has approved using roundup on many kinds of food crops, such that you can now detect roundup in breakfast food and baby food.
LTCCSKMC: Driscoll. The VA is starting up its Bingo program again. The American Legion is doing it once a month already. Driscoll is working with volunteer services to plan the rollout of the expanded Bingo program, opening the door for VVA and others to begin sponsoring their own VA bingo nights.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion by Bull, seconded by Wilson, to donate $100 from the VAMC Restricted Fund to the VA Sock Drive. The Board approved. Membership Approved.
Good of the Order:
Throneberry: I’m pleased to announce that we have already reached our fundraising goal for the third annual Veterans on the River Fundraiser. I still have tickets, but they are now free. The event will be held on 22 September from 1400 to 1700 at John Fritz’s house, 5860 Geddes Road, Ypsilanti, MI 48198. He has a big M near his driveway made from rocks. Doug Bradley, who wrote a book about Vietnam music will be there. The Director of the Marine Museum will also be there. We have 3 CD’s of good music we will be playing as well.
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Holiday’s Restaurant, 2080 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, (734) 668-1292.
McCrumb Minni Draper had throat surgery. One result will be that she will be able to speak louder.
Perrault The US Air Force will celebrate its 77th birthday on 18 September. Happy birthday Air Force!
Kinzinger Kirk Profit leads a group of former ROTC cadets who meet regularly. They recently placed a bench at the EMU ROTC gun range to honor the life and service of Washtenaw County Vietnam KIA Frank Maki.
McCrumb When I ran into Kirk Profit, I gave him a chapter coin. He appreciated it, and said he was hoping to get one. The he decided to buy 20 of them.
Davis: I have a memory of Frank Maki. When I was a kid, I used to visit my mom while she was at work at Eastern. I saw Frank Maki in uniform a few times during those visits. He was impressive.
September is Suicide Prevention Month. The US Department of Health and Human services said that 49,000 people died from suicide this year. The Department of Defense says that on average one servicemember commits suicide each day. The Centers for Disease Control says that suicide is the number two cause of death of 10-year-olds. A big reason for that is that cellphones give kids much more bad news than they can handle, including personal insults from other children. I have 988 signs and things here if you want them.
The Michigan American Legion passed a resolution calling on state legislature to pass a law creating a Green Alert system that would get the word out when a veteran is reported missing.
Several sources are reporting that unless Congress does its job of funding government, you may not get your October VA benefits check.
Moving wall is in Hamburg at Manly W. Bennett Park for this weekend. Talk to a veteran while you are there to see what they need. The Michigan Flight Museum (formerly known as Yankee Air Museum) will have helicopter rides and display vehicles there. Kate Melcher will speak about female veterans. Throneberry will speak at 1600 on Sunday, and Phil Pham will tell the story of his father’s efforts to get his family out of Vietnam.
Free breakfast second Tuesday of the month at Harvest Moon Café on Michigan Ave near Carpenter. Please come out. I want to fill the place. It holds 120 people.
Perrault: You may have heard that James Earl Jones just passed away. Did you know that he was an ROTC cadet at the U of M for several years?
McCrumb: We received a thank you letter from Kate Melcher and Fisher House Michigan for the $10,000 gift we sent to them. That gift was doubled because we donated it during a match gift fundraiser event.
McCrumb: As a reminder, I appointed Bob Bull to be our chapter service officer back when we initiated the Way Forward Fund. Bob is here to help you get connected to the people and resources you need. He doesn’t do claims work directly, but he will help you get in touch with somebody who can and he will help you prepare for those visits. I will update the website to show that he is our Chapter Service Officer.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1954.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
8 August 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Guests: American Legion Post 46 member who served in the Marine Corps.
Motion: by Bull/Merritt to approve the July Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
President’s Report:
Please see the President’s remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org.
Treasurer’s Report: Bourne
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let me know your email address if you desire these reports.
Nonrestricted Fund Revenue;
$464 merchandise sales and donations at the AA VA.
Nonrestricted Fund Expenses:
$286 office supplies for Dispatch Adobe software
Restricted Fund Revenue: No significant activity.
Restricted Fund Expenses:
$10,000 donation to Fisher House
$2,804 for underwear and women’s pajamas at AA VA
AVVA Report: The AVVA report is no longer being printed in the Dispatch but is being emailed separately to those who request it. The AVVA report is also online at https://vva310.org.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: Harrison. We sold $462 at the VA last month. We’ll be there again on the twentieth. We also sold about $480 at Vet Fest. Our next event will be the Pig Roast. I’m sending around a notebook with signup sheets for the different shifts and types of work. Please sign up. I have challenge coins for sale with me tonight as well.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Our last council meeting came out well and was the best attended meeting in a long time. The milleage is up for renewal. We have yard signs that member units are going to place in strategic locations in September.
Michigan State Council: No report.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. Things are going well. We painted the new shed. We are still working on a new landscape plan and an additional drain plan. Jerry Hoag road his motorcycle up from Texas. He said he’s been to several veteran memorials and that ours really touches his heart. Mike Chase has been doing our lights since the memorial was built. He sent us a note saying something similar.
Website: McCrumb. We have had 440,400 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: McCrumb. We are up to 220 members.
Newsletter: No report.
Health Care: Bull. Please remember that your VA compensation depends on you attending your annual meeting with your primary care physician.
LTCCSKMC: Driscoll. The VA is starting up its bingo program again. The American Legion is doing it once a month already. The next VVA event at the hospital is Halloween.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Motion by Bourne, seconded by Kinzinger, to transfer $2,000 from the General Fund to the Memorial Maintenance Fund. This action was approved by the Board. Membership approved.
Good of the Order:
Throneberry: The third annual Veterans on the River Fundraiser will be held on 22 September from 1400 to 1700 at John Fritz’s house on Geddes. There are flyers on the pool table. Doug Bradley, who wrote a book about Vietnam music will be there. The Director of the Marine Museum will also be there.
Remember, we are on WAAM radio at 1700 on Sunday. Please also listen to our story on Army nurses that aired two weeks ago. Everything else we’ve done is on the website also. https://veteransradio.org. For those who would like to help get the word out about Veterans Radio, I have decals with me that you can put up.
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Sinbad's Coney Island Restaurant, 2563 Ellsworth Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, (734) 528-5800.
Kinzinger: I have flyers to pass out for Pig Roast. The Pig Roast date is also being announced on the radio now.
Draper: The Legion is thinking about doing a free meal for veterans at the VFW, something like what the VRC used to do here. If they do, they’d like to borrow our grill from time to time.
Merritt: I had a long talk with David Saims about the food program. He said it is not going to happen anymore because it would cost over 1.5 million to do it this year. Instead, the county is going to work specifically with low-income families, to get them fed.
McCrumb: Sandy brought in two DVD’s from Doc Martinez’s collection that are available up here for free.
- The U of M is now offering a new dental program for veterans. They will provide you with a root canal or a crown restoration on a molar tooth. You need to have your dentist fax a referral to the U of M Dental School. That number is 734 763-6888.
- Vet Fest, what did you think? If you have feedback about Vet Fest, please let me know before our meeting coming up this week. This year, we presented those veterans in attendance with the Washtenaw County proclamation making September Veterans Suicide Prevention Month.
- The VA has put out press releases saying that the benefits program is going to be three billion dollars short. If the budget is not fixed, the shortfall will be twelve billion dollars next year. This could impact our compensation checks as soon as October. Call your representatives and tell them to get back to work.
- A recent non-VA study of veteran suicide estimates the actual rate is between 40 and 44 veterans per day, much higher than the VA’s current estimate of 17 per day. I just returned from a two-day seminar on veteran suicide. One of the more depressing take-aways is that a program has been developed to combat suicide among K through 5th grade children of veterans.
- The VA has announced a new project called Transportation Navigation Hub. There is one phone number to call for all of your VA healthcare related transportation needs:(877) 828-5438. Unlike the transportation programs of the past, the VA will now transport you across county lines. However, you still need to give them a three-day notice, and the program operates only Monday through Friday from 0700 to 1700.
- The Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall will be in Hamburg from 12 through 15 September. Kate Melcher will be keynote speaker on Saturday.
- The Veterans Resource Center Van will be at the U of M football games starting this Saturday, 31 August.
- There will be a free breakfast for veterans at Harvest Moon Café next Tuesday.
M Draper: DAR is sending volunteers to staff the food line. Please volunteer to relieve them from time to time.
McCrumb: Vet Fest in Fowlerville is going to be huge. It’s this weekend.
McCrumb: We still have a deal going with the embroiderer that Fredo found for us. If you want a chapter shirt, let us know.
Kwiecinski: Please keep my son in your prayers. I told you last month that his carrier, the Abraham Lincoln, was dispatched to the West Pacific. However, his carrier was recently diverted from Guam to the Middle East because Iran said they were going to attack Israel.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1948.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
13 June 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Guests: Garry Massengill’s wife, Linda
Motion: by Bull/Merritt to approve the May Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Please see my remarks in the Dispatch or online at https://vva310.org.
Treasurer’s Report: Bourne
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let me know your email address if you desire these reports.
There was not much activity this month. Nonrestricted funds had three significant deposits:
a. $1,953 membership due rebates from VVA
b. $1,800 Pig Roast donations
c. $530 merchandise sales at the AA VA
There were no significant expenses and no significant activity on the restricted accounts.
AVVA Report: Please see the report in the Dispatch.
Committee Reports:
Merchandise: Harrison. We had good sales at the VA and we’ll be there again next Tuesday from 0730 to 1400. On 29 June we’ll be at Camp Liberty by 0800 to set up for their car show. Any help we get at either event will be greatly appreciated.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Bull. Meeting start time has been changed to 1830 for those who want to eat. The meeting starts at 1900. He encouraged all members that are aware of an organization that has a veterans committee, to ask that committee chair to attend this monthly meeting.
Michigan State Council: Wilson and Driscoll. The State Convention went well. There was an agent orange meeting the day before. McManus gave a report on things that are happening at the National office. They have hired several new lobbyists and have made sure that the lobbyists are spending their time in Congressional offices not just working phones and email.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. Team three did a great job today. The new tree looks good and has new growth. We are working on getting a second one. We also had a company come in that is going to apply three feedings to the blue spruce trees. The first feeding has already been done.
Website: McCrumb. We have had 434,009 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: McCrumb. We are at 217 members.
Newsletter: No report.
Health Care: Wilson. As reported previously, Senator Tester has introduced a new version of his toxic study bill that the VA has refused to obey. This time, the law will give the job to the Department of Health and Human Services instead of to the VA. Wilson was able to discuss the issue with Congressional Representative Debbie Dingle on Sunday at our Watchfire Ceremony. Representative Dingle started work on the companion House bill on Tuesday.
The deadline for filing PACT Act claims with retroactive pay has passed but you can still file a claim. There is an effort taking place to informally change the name of the PACT Act to “The Cost of War Act” to help everyone see what our combat commitments mean in the real world.
LTCCSKMC: Kinzinger and Driscoll. There are not as many volunteers these days. Fisher House is always looking for volunteers. Fisher House can’t build the second building until the first one is full for 365 consecutive days.
As you know, we do an annual fund drive around Christmas each year, promising that we will only contact people once a year and that all funds raised will be used for veterans who get medical care from the Ann Arbor VA. The committee is planning to give $10,000 to Fisher House while matching fund grants are still available. The committee also delivered $2,500 worth of underwear to the VA today and ordered another $2,500 worth to be delivered later. The committee will upgrade four more steak dinners throughout the year.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Good of the Order:
McCrumb: I accepted Brian Graef’s resignation from the board. He is spread thinner than melted butter on warm toast. I have appointed Bob Kwiecinski to fill out the balance of his term.
George Betz lost his wife recently. His daughter, who is moving to Minnesota to become president of the University of Minnesota, offered to have George move in with her. George decided to remain here with us.
Remember, the Pig Roast is coming up in August. We could use some help fundraising and at the event.
Kinzinger: Camp Liberty is holding its annual fundraiser car show on 29 June. This one is going to be bigger and better than any before it. Camp Liberty provides hunting and other outdoor activities for disabled veterans.
McCrumb: There will be a flag retirement ceremony tomorrow at the VFW post. The event is being run by Boy Scout Troop 446. The VFW has invited us to attend. The VFW is also looking at ways to help the different organizations that use the facility to do more things together.
Perrault: I wish you all a happy 249th Army birthday!
Bull: A few things:
There is a free breakfast every second Tuesday at Harvest Moon on 5484 W. Michigan Ave. near Carpenter Rd. in Ypsilanti.
There are new flyers for different things on the pool table.
Vet Fest is 3 August. Registration is required. There are still a few tables open for providers. Set up is at 0800 and the program goes from 1000 to 1500.
We will be conducting a sock drive from 1 August through 30 September. We are asking you to donate new, ordinary, solid color socks. Nothing fancy. We need everything from child to adult.
2 new VA clinics opened. One is in Trenton and one is in Wyoming.
Hall: My brother and VVA Member, Gene Hall, fell and had significant injuries. He had surgery and is back home but is still in rough shape. He needs our prayers.
Throneberry: The Airforce Singing Sergeants choir is giving a free concert at the First Congregational Church, 608 E William St, Ann Arbor, MI on the 21 June at 1900.
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Holiday’s Restaurant, 2080 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, (734) 668-1292.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1946.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
11 April 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1904 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: Bruce Lowery, US Navy and Bud Fry, a Marine.
Guests: None
Motion: by Throneberry/Harrison to approve the March Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Adjourn to Nominations
President: Vance McCrumb (accept)
Vice President: Marv Rivers (accept)
Treasurer: Berry Bourne (accept)
Secretary: Jon Luker (accept)
Sergeant at Arms: Eric Downie (accept)
Two-year board members moving to one-year positions were:
Bill Stuart, Dale Throneberry and John Kinzinger but Bill Stuart has moved out of state. The President appointed Tim Clarke to complete Bill Stuart’s term.
Two-year board nominees (Need at least three)
Accepting: Brian Graef, Bob Bull, Tim Driscoll
Declining: Bill Cole, Garry Massengill
State Council Delegates: Tim Driscoll and Sandie Wilson were appointed.
Motion by Roy Hall supported by Stan Harrison to cast a unanimous ballot for the slate. Approved.
Sandie Wilson conducted the Swearing in of Officers.
Recall to Order
President’s Report:
Please see my remarks in the Dispatch.
Vice-President’s Report:
You may remember my intervention at the end of the last meeting to point out that the bylaws require our meetings to end not later than 2030. I apologize for doing that in a somewhat rough manner. It is important to close on time, so if you have something to say, please try to be concise and conserve our time so everyone has a chance to speak on the issues.
Treasurer’s Report: Bourne
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let Bourne know your email address if you desire these reports.
Nonrestricted funds revenue increased by a $500 general fund donation and by $63 net revenue from sales at the VA. Expenses were significantly higher due to our annual $1,800 contribution to the VFW (hall rental, WiFi access, etc) and $1,000 prepayment to Angle Food Catering for the Annual Recognition Dinner.
On the restricted side, we received an in-kind donation of $1,440 in store credit from Home Depot which we spent on two pallets of wood chips and pressure washer and other items for Memorial maintenance and spring cleanup. Home Depot also sent out four volunteers who worked 5 hours each on spring cleanup.
AVVA Report: Please see the report in the Dispatch.
Committee Reports
Merchandise: Harrison. Net revenue was low because our sales were primarily coins. As you recall, we lose a few cents on each coin sold. Thank you to those who help with those sales.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: Bull. We are working to expand the Council membership to include veteran-supporting organizations like AVVA that are not nationally chartered veterans organizations. The next meeting is next Monday at 1900 at Saline American Legion
Michigan State Council: Wilson. The State Council’s annual meeting and convention will be 1-2 June in Marquette. The State Council is challenging AVVA members to check with their local county veterans service office to apply for benefits for themselves and their children with birth defects. Spouses may also qualify for DIC based on the recent changes.
Memorial Maintenance: Merritt. - Thank you to everyone who helped with the Annual Spring Cleanup. will be at 1000 on 16 March. Home Depot helped again this year with a donation of equipment and supplies and they sent four volunteers to the cleanup day as well.
On 29 March (Vietnam Veterans Day) at 1000, we had a dedication ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial for the Washtenaw County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway signs.
Website: McCrumb. We have had around 426,253 hits since the website was last rebuilt. We’ve stopped the front-page slide show and made a few other small changes.
Membership: McCrumb. We are at 213 members. Since last Memorial Day, we have lost 11 members.
Newsletter: McCrumb. We are still working on the newsletter redesign. At Bob Bull’s request, we are also trying to incorporate the 988 logo to the front page.
Health Care: Sandie Wilson. As you know, VA Secretary Denis McDonough has refused to implement the federal law requiring the VA to study toxic exposures claiming that there is not sufficient information about birth defects to perform the research. Recently, however, the VA testified that the real reason for their disobedience is that the VA would not be funded well enough to take care of all the people that the research would say are entitled to care from the VA. Therefore, Senator Jon Tester introduced Senate Bill 3958 titled the “Molly R. Loomis Research for Descendants of Toxic Exposed Veterans Act of 2024.” This bill, if it becomes law would solve the problem by creating the Interagency Working Group on Toxic Exposure and having them do the research.
Also, the VVA National Committee will report to Congress on another toxic exposure problem: Fort McClellan in Alabama. There was a chemical plant 5 miles away that caused problems. Civilians in the area have already been compensated, but military personnel are being denied compensation.
LTCCSKMC: Bourne. The VA has asked us to resupply their new underwear cache. The committee is working on that.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Good of the Order:
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Sinbad's Coney Island Restaurant, 2563 Ellsworth Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, (734) 528-5800.
Stuart: I am moving out of state and retiring. I’ll be near my grandkids. I’ll miss you guys. Thank you very much.
McCrumb: We’ll be setting up for the recognition dinner at noon on Saturday. Doors open at 1730.
Throneberry: The Moving Wall will be at Manley Park, Hamburg, 12-15 September along with the Gold Star wall. Yankee Air’s Huey will be there also.
McCrumb: Vet Fest will be 3 August at Washtenaw Community College.
Throneberry: On 19 May some disability rating increases go into effect for 55 medical conditions. The biggest news is about the changes for celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and hemorrhoids. Celiac disease was rated at 0 to 30. It will go from 0 to 80. IBS will go from 0, 10- or 30 to 10, 20 or 30. Internal and external hemorrhoids were 0 for mild or moderate. That goes to 10 in May.
McCrumb: You’ve seen our new hats which we give to new members and sell for $15. The same person who embroiders those is also offering to do polo shirts for us. Prices are $45 and up depending on size. $5 more to add your name. See Fredo to order yours.
McCrumb: We’ll have live music at the recognition dinner. Tickets are $15 on sale at the door and at breakfast tomorrow.Merritt:We have 3 jackets left. We can order more. They are $97 each and come with the large unit logo on the back and a small one on the front. Price includes your name.
- Anybody who wants the 988 logo for any purpose can get a digital copy from me or the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website: https://www.samhsa.gov/resource/988/988-logos. I also have a few magnets for your car. Also have a card you can leave on the dashboard of your car or your office desk.
- Vet Fest. I have flyers for Vet Fest. If you want a table, I have the registration form.
- New sock drive starting again for the VA. Please donate only plain solid color socks.
- The Washtenaw County Veterans Millage is coming up for renewal in November. It will be on the ballot with four other tax renewals, so it is important to start talking to voters about it now.
Frazier: Don’t forget that the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners has a person assigned to be a veterans’ representative.
Wilson: When we put on the initiative the first time out, we bought signs for people to put on their yards before the election.
Merritt: Good Friday highway sign dedication. Marv did a great job. We had about 70 people there. Thank you to those who helped get the bill passed and who showed up Friday.
Bourdeau: Michigan Trust Fund. There are seven counties that vote on the applications for grants that exceed the $3,500 that the local county can grant itself.
Frazier: I’m the outgoing commander of the Military Order of the Cootie. I have 10 tickets ($10) for a 23 August raffle for a signed football jersey. I’ve always been out recruiting for all the organizations I’m involved with. We all do fundraising for these groups as well.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 2017.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
14 March 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: John Sariani, Navy CB’s ‘69-’70, heavy equipment operator
Guests: None
Motion: by Merritt/Hitte to approve the February Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
Adjourn to Nominations
President: Vance McCrumb (accept),
Vice President: Marv Rivers (accept)
Treasurer: Berry Bourne (accept)
Secretary: Jon Luker (accept)
Sergeant at Arms: Eric Downie (accept)
Two-year board members moving to one-year positions are:
Bill Stuart, Dale Throneberry and John Kinzinger
Two-year board nominees (Need at least three)
Accepting: Brian Graef, Bob Bull, Tim Driscoll
Declining: Bill Cole, Garry Massengill
State Council Delegates: (We need up to 5)
Recall to Order
President’s Report:
Please see my remarks in the Dispatch.
Treasurer’s Report: Bourne
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let Bourne know your email address if you desire these reports.
Nonrestricted funds revenue increased by a $500 donation earmarked for WACU and by $1,090 merchandise sales at the VA (less $776 cost of goods sold). The only significant expense was $500 sent to Washtenaw Community College for VetFest happening on 3 August. On restricted accounts, the Christmas fund revenue reached $19,232 making it the second best year so far.
For the fiscal year, our total revenue was $8,368 more than our budget predicted while our expenses were $9,999 less than our budget predicted.
Our annual financial reports have been sent to VVA National and to Michigan State Council. We will next perform our internal audit as per board approved policy.
AVVA Report: Please see the report in the Dispatch.
Committee Reports
Merchandise: Merchandise annual physical inventory was completed. The next merchandise sale at the AA VA will be Wednesday (instead of our usual Tuesday), 20 March 2024. We always could use help. We load in at 0730 and sell from 0800 until 1400. Also, our new tent is in and is easier to set up, but it still takes 4 or 5 people so we will still need volunteers. And our new challenge coins are in. We sell them for $5 each. We do take a few cents loss on each sale, but we spread the word, so it is worth it. Last time we bought coins, we made a few cents on each.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: The next meeting is 18 March.
Michigan State Council: Wilson. The National board voted to do away with inhouse attorneys. The move saves $600,000 a year. The work is now being hired out.
The State Council’s annual meeting and convention will be 1-2 June in Marquette. The $50 registration fee includes lunch and supper. Big Mac is under construction so expect a delay.
Memorial Maintenance: Annual Spring Cleanup will be at 1000 on 16 March. Home Depot is helping again this year with a donation of equipment and supplies and they will send volunteers to the Cleanup day as well.
On 29 March (Vietnam Veterans Day) at 1000, we’ll have a dedication ceremony at the Vietnam Memorial for the Washtenaw County Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway signs.
Website: We have had around 422,000 hits since the website was last rebuilt. We’ve stopped the front-page slide show and made a few other small changes.
Membership: We are at 218 members.
Newsletter: McCrumb. The newsletter is being redesigned. Paulo and I are working on a new front-page design. Also, there is now only one column. If you click on the picture of those named on the wall, you will be taken to the website page that tells what we know about that person.
Health Care: Sandie Wilson – As you know, VA Secretary Denis McDonough has refused to implement federal law requiring the VA to study toxic exposures. He now claims that there is not sufficient information about birth defects to perform the research. That means there is yet another reason to encourage anyone who has a child with a birth defect to register that child with Birthdefects.org. It is not just for veterans, but civilians also. Another reason is because the registry makes it possible to do other research that can’t be done any other way. For example, researchers learned that 60% of those diagnosed with autism were born of women who took Tylenol for pain during pregnancy.
LTCCSKMC: No report
Old Business: None
New Business:
Motion by Driscoll, seconded by Bull to approve the proposed FY 24/25 budget approved by the board.
Motion by Harrison, seconded by Driscoll to amend the proposed budget by increasing the WCCV line item to $250. Amendment approved.
Motion by Wilson, seconded by Driscoll to amend the proposed budget by adding $3,000 to a new line item for two people to attend the Leadership Conference in Reno NV. Amendment denied.
Motion by Wilson, seconded by Driscoll to amend the proposed budget removing the Way Forward Fund line item. Amendment denied.
The motion to approve the amended proposed budget was approved.
Motion by Luker, seconded by Harrison to authorize the Finance Committee to donate the unused funds from the 23/24 Way Forward Fund to veterans’ organizations doing good work in Washtenaw County. Approved
Motion by Harrison, seconded by Driscoll to purchase 20 hats at $12.50 per hat. Approved.
Motion by Throneberry, seconded by Rivers to make a way for families to buy a brick for their deceased Vietnam veterans.
Motion by Luker, seconded by Harrison to refer the matter to the Executive Committee and the Memorial Maintenance Committee to prepare a specific proposal. Approved.
Good of the Order:
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at The Bomber Restaurant, 306 E Michigan Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48198, (734) 482-0550
Bull: Bob Bull is introducing a resolution for all Michigan State Police to display the “988 Badge” on their patrol cars. The American Legion and the VFW have provided signed resolutions. VVA will do so shortly. David Saims, Director of the Washtenaw County Department of Veterans Affairs, said his department will pay the cost of producing the needed signs if the signs contain a small statement that the project is supported by WCDVA.
VetFest will be on 3 August at Washtenaw Community College. Donations are being accepted. There is a donation link at the bottom of the flyer.
A person has a stair lift to donate. It must be removed from her house so she can move her furniture. I have a list for people to volunteer to help remove it.
The American Legion is now hosting its meetings in the same area the VVA uses. As a result, we needed to buy new equipment for zoom meetings. The Legion offers VVA the use of the equipment when it wants to do zoom meetings.
Luker: Bob Kwiecinski asked me to give you his warm greetings and to say he misses you. Bob was instrumental in helping 22aday.org be able to present its veteran suicide prevention campaign for 30-days in Vero Beach, Florida, and to arrange two more possible locations in Florida. 22aday.org started out doing only two campaigns a year. We will do at least seven this year and maybe as many as ten.
McCrumb: Recognition Dinner tickets are here and on sale for $15 each.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 2030.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
8 February 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1900 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: None
Motion: by Stuart/Merritt to approve the January Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
President’s Report:
Please see my remarks in the Dispatch.
Treasurer’s Report: McCrumb
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let Bourne know your email address if you desire these reports.
Nonrestricted funds revenue received $3,236 interest income from $20,000 Certificate of Deposit which matured on 15 Jan 2024 and expenses absorbed $630 postage for stamps and labels to mail the Dispatch for next year. Restricted funds revenue received $950 Christmas Program donations with $18,232 total donations received through Jan. 2024.
The board amended the proposed budget for FY 24/25, so the membership vote will be postponed until March. You’ll receive a copy of the revised proposed budget via email with your meeting notice.
AVVA Report: Please see the report in the Dispatch.
Committee Reports
Merchandise: Merchandise annual physical inventory will be 11 Feb 2014 at 1300 at the VFW. The next merchandise sale at the AA VA will be Tuesday, 13 Feb. 2024. Sales are normally scheduled the Tuesday following our monthly meeting and we always could use help. We load in at 0730 and sell from 0800 until 1400.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: The Council remains adjourned until March.
Michigan State Council: The Annual Meeting will be in June in Marquette.
Memorial Maintenance: If you would like to join the Memorial Maintenance team, please contact Al (Fredo) Merritt and let him know. We are getting ready for this season. Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be available shortly.
Website: We have had around 420,000 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: We are at 213 members.
Newsletter: No report.
Health Care:
Sandie Wilson - Fort McClellan in Anniston, AL is located five miles upstream from a Monsanto chemical plant. Investigations have been done and are continuing regarding child defects of all who live there or served there. The base has been used for Army Women basic training, along with Military police and others.
Sandie Wilson – A new registry called ‘birthdefects.org” is a registration tool to list all “in country,” “out of country” and all average citizens who had children with birth defects. June in Marquette there will be a meeting on Toxic Exposure and Pompe Disease. This a build-up of cholesterol in the muscle and when it gets to the patient’s heart, it is fatal.
LTCCSKMC: No report
Old Business: Motion made by Merritt/Driscoll to continue funding $300 to Wreaths Across America. Approved
New Business: None
Good of the Order:
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Holiday’s Restaurant, 2080 W. Stadium Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI 48103. (734) 668-1292
Bull: Bob Bull is introducing a resolution for all Michigan State Police to display the “998 Badge” on their patrol cars. Next will be the counties and cities to hopefully follow. The 998 Hotline is a Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. As suicides are climbing, we learn the women’s suicide rates are up 20% in the last two years.
Members update: John Kinzinger is doing well. Elmer White is healing and taking it easy. Best to both.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1950 hrs.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310
Regular Membership Meeting Minutes
11 January 2024
Call to Order by President McCrumb at 1901 hrs.
Pledge of Allegiance
Opening Prayer: Bob Bull
Moment of Silence for POW/MIA’S, their families and those who are serving in hazardous places around the world.
Roll Call: A quorum was established. Welcome Home Everyone!
New Members: Bill Coleman
Motion: by Wilson/Bull to approve the December Minutes published in the Dispatch. Approved.
President’s Report:
Please see my remarks in the Dispatch.
Treasurer’s Report:
Reports were emailed to the board and to members who wanted one. Let Bourne know your email address if you desire these reports.
Nonrestricted funds increased $517 as a result of a good sales day at the VA, despite paying 20 percent of sales to VA. Restricted funds are up again, due primarily to receipts from the Christmas Fund, which are not at more than $18,000 for the fiscal year.
The board amended the proposed budget for FY 24/25, so the membership vote will be postponed until February. You’ll receive a copy of the revised proposed budget via email with your meeting notice.
AVVA Report: Please see the report in the Dispatch. AVVA did provide tuition for three teenagers to attend Girls State next summer.
Committee Reports
Merchandise: We had $1,173 in sales at the VA this month. Sales are always the Tuesday following our meeting and we always could use help. We load in at 0730 and sell from 0800 until 1400.
Washtenaw County Council of Veterans: The Council remains adjourned until March.
Michigan State Council: The Annual Meeting will be in June in Marquette.
Memorial Maintenance: If you would like to join the Memorial Maintenance team, please contact Al (Fredo) Merritt and let him know. We noticed that the township has many new groundhog holes, but we do not.
Website: We have had around 416,000 hits since the website was last rebuilt.
Membership: We are at 214 including tonight’s new member Bill Coleman and Wednesday’s new member Bud Frye.
Newsletter: No report.
Health Care: Medicare has determined that there are some services that old people can no longer receive. Therefore, be sure you know what is going on before you agree to get services outside the VA. VA Web Weekly has a story about the very high cancer rates due to the toxins in the nuclear missile silos. Studies show that prior DoD reports on safety were wrong. Asbestos, radiation and other toxins were much higher than safe levels.
LTCCSKMC: Driscoll: The VA has a new director of voluntary services who has indicated that volunteer services will be opened again. Bingo nights are back already.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Motion by Merritt, seconded by Clarke to purchase 500 chapter coins (the ones with the black field) for $2,898 ($5.77 each) for sale at $6. This purchase was approved by the board. Approved.
Motion by Wilson, seconded by Merritt to purchase from the hospitalized veterans restricted fund 5 dozen donuts to be distributed at the VA during Veterans Appreciation Day.
Good of the Order:
Merritt: Breakfast on Friday will be at 0900 at Brewed Awakenings, 7025 E Michigan Ave, Saline, MI 48176, (734) 316-2084.
Bull: Handouts on table
- 988 There is a small group of veterans trying to get this number out everywhere. Please take 3 to 5 flyers with you and give them to somebody to display. The veteran suicide rate is getting worse.
- There is also a flyer explaining that veterans can now go to any emergency room (civilian or VA) to get free emergency mental health care, to the Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act (COMPAC Act) of 2020.
- Walking with Warriors presents a free breakfast for veterans on the second Tuesday of each month at Harvest Moon Café on Michigan Ave (near Carpenter Road) from 8:30 to 10.
Hall: Looking for chair for Recognition Dinner.
Driscoll: We will be giving out 5 dozen donuts at the VA hospital for Veteran’s Appreciation Week and National Salute Week at 0900 on 13 February.
Closing Prayer Bob Bull
Flag Salute
Meeting Adjourned at 1944 hrs