uh2 Moving Wall Hamburg Michgian September 2024 - UH1 Grayhound Hovering
Photo Credit Dogman

The Veterans Crisis Line is staffed by caring, qualified crisis responders who are there to help. Many of these responders are veterans themselves. 

Crisis Line (Call 988)

Crisis Line (Text 838255)

 Camp Lejeune Justice Act 

Who is eligible?

Chapter member LTC. (Retired) Chuck Kettles received the Medal of Honor in July 2016

LTC Charles S. Kettles (ret) Passed Away On January 21, 2019.  Rest In Peace My Friend, Rest In Peace...


We lost another hero on December 23, 2021, Lloyd Lee (above). 

Click Here To Find Out If You Qualify For Health Care At The VA As A Veteran.


President McCrumb's Message - August 2024 

vanceWe held our 21st annual pig roast on the 24th of August. Attendance was down slightly from last year and when attendance is down, so were donations and 50/50 proceeds. That said, we still cleared a decent profit thanks to some generous donations prior to the pig roast. To those that reached deep onto their wallets and purses, THANK YOU! 

If you would like to see the finical report on the pig roast, contact our Treasurer, Berry or attend our membership meeting, September 12th 

A huge THANK YOU goes out to the Saline American Legion. At times there were more Legion members setting-up than us because of a lack of coordination between the Legion and us. That’s something we’ll rectify next year. 



Roy Hall brought his restored 1950 Jeep for folks to check out. 

Kudos to those members who did the shopping, butt rubbing Eric’s secret flavor mix Thursday evening. To the crew who mixed the coleslaw. To those that got the beans and bacon in the crockpots. The merchandise booth volunteers, kitchen crew, meal tickets sellers, and those that collected those tickets so our guest could get their pig roast dinners. THANK YOU!

To the crew who kept watch on the 330 pounds of pork cooking overnight starting Friday night at 10 pm. To the set-up and tear down crews. To the corn on the cob shuckers who shucked four large bags of corn on the cob. THANK YOU. Made me think of; how much corn could a woodchuck shuck, if a woodchuck could shuck corn?

To the AVVA and DAR teams whose efforts kept the food and desert lines moving, we couldn’t have done it without you. To the 50/50 raffle ticket sellers THANK YOU! 

The Boy Scout Troops were a huge help. Stan and I will pay them a visit at their next Scout meeting to personally thank them. 

The bulk of the bone-in Boston butt ham was cooked in our large pig roster. Plus, there were four butts cooking in an upright electric cooker as well as four or five crockpots in use in the hall. 

As you can see, a lot goes into putting on a pig roast including, four meetings prior to the event and one to be held after. 

I was disappointed in the number of members who attended. That may be due to the fact that the pig party was one week before the long Labor Day weekend. Should we think about scheduling a week earlier? We still need to do a better job of supporting our chapter with events like this. With that in mind, Clinton Fall Festival is September 27, 28, 29. Please consider paying a visit to our Merchandise Booth and replace your old ragged veterans hats and T-shirts. There will be chapter hats there for $15.00 as well. If yours is like mine, it needs to be replaced. Chapter hats won’t be on the tables with the others. See me or Stan. 

Sick Call: Member Doug Short had a kidney removed on August 9th. Prognosis is good and there is not need for any chemo or radiation treatments. He said the first couple days were very painful getting into and out of a chair at home. He said he is walking around the house and trips up and down the driveway. Teresa, his wife, is keeping him on a short leash. 

Spoke with Jim Sharp (Animal) and he said he has finished his cancer treatment and is on the mendSounded good but he said his energy level is a bit off. 

A look back in time: Some of you old timers will remember the below cartoon by Doc Martinez. This was published in our Dispatch probably twenty plus years ago. 



Vance (Not the politician)

P.S. Politics is the only profession where one can lie, cheat and steal and still be respected. 

- Mark Twain -