
The Veterans Crisis Line is staffed by caring, qualified crisis responders who are there to help. Many of these responders are veterans themselves. 

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 Camp Lejeune Justice Act 

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 LTC.  Charles S, Kettles
1/09/1930 - 1/21/2019
2 Tours Vietnam 1967 & 1969
bench Lloyd Lee
2/25/1948 - 12/23/2021
 1 Tour Vietnam 1968 - 1969
1 Silver Star, 3 Bronze w/"V", 2 Purple Hearts

 President McCrumb's Message - January 2025 

colemanA Christmas Party: A big thank you goes out to member Bill Coleman who cam to our annual VA Christmas party dressed as Santa. Santa is pictured with Miss Michigan 2024 Jenae Lodewyk, left, and Miss Washtenaw County 2024, Madalyn Poupard, right. When they entered a patient’s room, a huge smile greeted the ladies. The ladies and Santa were a big hit. 

Stacey Mason, Miss Michigan 1993, brought cheer and joy to the patients with her musical talents. I believe this was her 30th year. 

Stacy asked a 90 year old patient what his favorite Christmas song was. When she played it on her violin he closed his eyes with a smile and tears came down his cheeks. It was quite moving. We accomplish more than just handing out handing out individually embroiled shirts and windbreakers. By the way, AVVA member Linda Colby annually embroiders 150 plus shirts and windbreakers. That my friend, is a huge job. Thank you Linda! 

Our monthly meeting was well attended, thank you!  We discussed the improvements to the Memorial grounds and the ten-year plan to do soA committee has been formed to address fundraising going forwardWe do have an anonymous donor who will match up to $5,000.00. If you are interested in helping finically, please contact our treasurer, Berry. For those not aware, the Memorial Grounds committee came up with a ten-year plan for improvements to the memorial’s grounds. This was approved by the board and membership at our November meeting. 

Milton Davis suggested we partner with VFW Post 423 and send non-perishable goods to the storm damage residence of North Carolina. A motion to donate $1,000.00 was seconded with discussion and passed. This expense will come out of our Impulse Donations expense line item. Milton volunteered to do the shopping and deliver to NC. Thank you Milton! 

We held our first Memorial grounds improvement fundraising meeting at the Kinzinger’s on December 26thFundraising committee members are, John Kinzinger, Brian Graef, Jon Luker, Windy Hibbitts, Berry Bourne, Stan Harrison, Brenda Stumbo and me.

Per Luker’s research and his discussions with folks who are experts in this field, the pine trees were planted in clay soil which apparently stunted their growth and they were slowly dying. The first stage to remove all the pine trees is complete. 

I visited the Memorial about a week before Christmas and was shocked. Where the hell did that green building come from? The grounds never looked so bad! But, improvements are on the way, see below.

First tree plantings (to replace the blue spruce)

  • (8) River Birch (not White Birch) 10 to 12 feet high
  • (2) Autumn Blaze Maple, 2.5" caliper at breast height
  • (1) Eastern Red Bud 10 to 12 feet high
  • Second tree plantings (behind the Memorial)
  • (4) Royal Star Magnolia, 5' high
  • (3) Green Giant Arborvitae, 7'-8' high
  • (2) Dwarf Lilac, 24-36" high

There was a lot of effort in locating a contractor, tree and soil research and a plan for the improvements.  Applause are due for the Memorial grounds committee! 

We tossed around the idea of creating a 501 (c) 3 with no supportraffles, fundraising musical event at the Freight House in Depot Town in June or July, and the need for immediate funding to get the grounds ready for this year’s Memorial Day eventWe will be mailing a donation request to all chapter members. 

To accomplish the shorted deadline, the committee agreed to bring to the January Board meeting a motion to withdraw $50,000 from our LPL Financial investment account. If our board approves we’ll bring the motion to membership at our January meeting.

If anyone would like to see the contractor’s rendition of the improvements, send me an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). I’ll forward you their concept.  The patio area looks really nice and will make a great addition to the grounds along with the new treesBy the way, changes are in the works for the berm too.

I will be submitting our chapter for Chapter of the Year consideration as well as Website of the Year and Newsletter of the Year at the upcoming VVA convention. For those interested in attending the convention, it will be held at the Marriott New Orleans, New Orleans, the first week of August, 2025. 


Arf, and Happy New Year,

Vance (Not the politician)


P.S. Be humble and never think you are better than anyone else. We all leave this earth with nothing.