The Veterans Crisis Line is staffed by caring, qualified crisis responders who are there to help. Many of these responders are veterans themselves.
President McCrumb's Message - February 2025 |
Bill Feight’s church has a monthly speaker program on Wednesday evenings. Bill was asked to do a presentation January 8th about his experiences in Vietnam. Tim Driscoll, Stan Harrison, Berry Bourne, Sandie Wilson, Bernhard Muller and I attended. Now, I’m not sure of the Muller name though. There was a veteran there with a chapter hat on that I recognized but couldn’t put a name to a face. Went over and introduced myself and we chatted for a few minutes before Bill started his program. If I’m wrong on Bernhard name, I apologize.
Chapter member Jerry Austin passed away on January 2nd. Stan H. and Ed S. knew him from high school. We had an excellent turnout at the Robinson-Bahnmiller Funeral home for Jerry and his family. Jerrys’s son Jim, greeted us in the lobby and was pleased by how many of us showed up for his father. I think I counted 10 or 11 chapter members. As usual we line lined up, saluted one at a time and placed a poppy near his casket. Jim and his son, both veterans, said they would go after us but it suggested the two of them lead the procession. There were a few other veterans there who joined us too. The family was very appreciative. We did good!
Our recognition dinner is April 12th. Mark you calendars and please plan to attend. Attendance has been slowly dwindling over the past few years. I’m giving some thought about us have to RSVP. More on that as we get closer to early March. Again this year we will use Angle Food Catering. Jean Wilson has agreed to bring her musical magic again this year. She and her duet partner were a wonderful additions last year. And, they worked for food!
Talking with Stan H, he suggested I write about the need to help Roy Hall for silent auction items. He said he cleaned out his garage, attic and basement and gave Roy some silent auction items. I’m kidding but he did give Roy some sale items. Lets do the same and help Roy although I’m sure he enjoys yard/garage-saleing.
Our January meeting had a very nice turnout. Thank you! Its rumored and confirmed that our National President Jack McManus will attend our February meeting as well as our rotating breakfast on Friday following our Thursday meeting. For those not aware, Jack is one of the original 35 charter members and an original memorial committee that designed, raised the funds and built the Memorial. To view who our founders are click here or copy and past this URL:https://www.vva310.org/about-us/charter-members to your browser. I think 8 or 9 of our founders are still alive.
Upcoming events: From former member Leroy Paige - 50TH Commemoration Ceremony at Belleville High School March 21st starting at 5PM. If you haven’t received a 50th Commemorative Lapel Pin, now would be a good time to get pinned. Leroy transferred to the Plymouth-Canton Chapter 528 several years ago and is coordinating this event between 528 and us. Leroy may attend our March meeting.
Katherine King, Public Affairs Specialist, Outreach Coordinator – Is currently planning Vietnam War Veterans Day is March 29th, which is a Saturday this year. Because it’s on a weekend, they are hoping to hold a breakfast and pinning event on Friday March 28th from approximately 9am – 1pm in the Welcome Center at the main lobby of the hospital. Katherine may attend our March meeting.
Arf, V
P. S. Why do psychics have to ask you for your name? |