Our VVA310 Chapter proundly presents our offices, directors, and point persons for various projects and responsibilities within our organization.

The below officers and Board of Dircetors will be effective 05/08/2021

marv1 luker berry  
President - Vance McCrumb
V. P.  -Marv. Rivers
Secretary - Jon Luker
Treasurer - Berry Bourne
Segeant-at-Arms - Eric Downie
USMC US Army US Army                 US  NAVY
Directors: 1 Year Directors: 2 Year (3)
Nominating Committee
Michigan Trust Fund
Tim Clarke  Brian Graef Sandie Wilson & Tim Driscoll Open
Dale Throneberry  Bob Bull Web Masters
Agent Orange
John Kinzinger  Tim Driscoll V. McCrumb & D. Draper Sandie Wilson
    Chaplain By-Laws
    Gordon Moore Gordon Moore
State Delegete
Alt State Delegate
Alt State Delegate
Sandie Wilson Tim Driscoll
Open  Open
County Delegate Alt County Delegate
Alt County Delegate 


Vance McCrumb Stan Harrison  Bill Vollano
 Finance Chair Chair  Finance Committee Finance Committee
 Berry Bourne  Sandie Wilson  Jon Luker - At-Large  Open
 Membership Librarian  Memorial  Memorial Grounds
Vance McCrumb Open John Kinzinter Al Merritt
 AVVA  AVVA Legal Affairs Minority Affairs
Kathy Driscoll Jane Kinzinger Elmer White Horace Frazier
 Food Pantry
 Ecomonic Affairs
Don Miller Open
Joe Palazzolo
Community Services VAAAHS 310 Dispatch Editor Vets Justice
John Kinzinger
John Kinzinger
Paulo Pereira
Jon Luker

Stan Harrison

Berry  Bourne 

Chris Wetzler


VVA Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 - 2021-22 Officers & Directors
Our VVA Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 has a distinguished list of past presidents. We honor our past presidents for their service, dedication, and distinguished accomplishments.
vietnamservice<< Past Presidents