Our VVA310 Chapter proundly presents our offices, directors, and point persons for various projects and responsibilities within our organization.
The below officers and Board of Dircetors will be effective 05/08/2021
President - Vance McCrumb
V. P. -Marv. Rivers |
Secretary - Jon Luker |
Treasurer - Berry Bourne |
Segeant-at-Arms - Eric Downie |
USMC | US Army | US Army | US NAVY |
Directors: 1 Year | Directors: 2 Year (3) |
Nominating Committee |
Michigan Trust Fund |
Tim Clarke | Brian Graef | Sandie Wilson & Tim Driscoll | Open |
Dale Throneberry | Bob Bull | Web Masters |
Agent Orange |
John Kinzinger | Tim Driscoll | V. McCrumb & D. Draper | Sandie Wilson |
Chaplain | By-Laws | ||
Gordon Moore | Gordon Moore | ||
State Delegete |
Alt State Delegate |
Alt State Delegate |
Constitution |
Sandie Wilson | Tim Driscoll |
Open | Open |
County Delegate | Alt County Delegate |
Alt County Delegate |
Historian |
Vance McCrumb | Stan Harrison | Bill Vollano | |
Finance Chair Chair | Finance Committee | Finance Committee |
Legislative |
Berry Bourne | Sandie Wilson | Jon Luker - At-Large | Open |
Membership | Librarian | Memorial | Memorial Grounds |
Vance McCrumb | Open | John Kinzinter | Al Merritt |
AVVA | AVVA | Legal Affairs | Minority Affairs |
Kathy Driscoll | Jane Kinzinger | Elmer White | Horace Frazier |
Food Pantry |
Ecomonic Affairs |
Don Miller | Open |
Open |
Joe Palazzolo |
Community Services | VAAAHS | 310 Dispatch Editor | Vets Justice |
John Kinzinger |
John Kinzinger |
Paulo Pereira |
Jon Luker |
Merchandise |
Stan Harrison Berry Bourne Chris Wetzler |
VVA Charles S. Kettles Chapter 310 - 2021-22 Officers & Directors