Jon Luker enlisted in the regular Army for a six year enlistment on 6 December 1967 and then went on active duty 14 Feb 68 through 12 Feb 71.
Luker was trained as a Track and Wheeled Vehicle Powertrain Repairman (63H20) but was never assigned to a repairman’s slot. Instead, he was assigned to a wide variety of tasks including, small arms repair (and company armorer), battalion S-1 clerk, battalion mail clerk (in charge of five mail rooms), special tool clerk, assistant Boy Scout troop leader and so forth. Luker served 18 months in the Panama Canal Zone, including the time when the Republic of Panama’s democratically elected government was overthrown in a military junta. During that time, Luker was assigned to Task Force Sword as the sharpshooter.
Luker received an Expert Rifle Badge, and National Defense Ribbon and a Good Conduct Medal. Luker was honorably discharged from the active component in 1971 and from the reserve component in 1974.
In 1983, Luker was asked to be the medic for the gorilla forces for a Special Forces Orientation Course known as Operation Volcanic Ash. Once the after action report was completed, Luker was asked to volunteer further with the Training and Operations sections of the 3rd Battalion, 12th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Luker agreed, and served as a simulated indigenous person and trainer under the direction of S3 for 18 months, when it was time for Luker to enter law school. Luker received an Honorary Green Beret.
After law school, Luker worked primarily as a lawyer in solo private practice, tending to draw civil rights cases, small business cases, and cases involving citizen relationships with government (special assessments and other administrative issues).
Luker came to Concordia University Ann Arbor in 2000, beginning as a business law professor and branching out to fill other roles there including strategic planning, general legal counsel, assistant business school administrator, public and military liaison and others.
Luker’s work at Concordia brought him into contact with increasing numbers of Vietnam and other veterans and sparked his interest in learning how to be of service. Luker first worked with VVA Chapter #310 when its members formed most of the Honor Guard that served at Concordia’s first annual Veterans Day Celebration. Luker joined the VVA the following year and was elected Secretary at the next VVA Chapter election in March.
Today, Luker is working with the Behm family and a Board of Directors to manage the startup of “Bridge” a new nonprofit corporation that supports a cadre of volunteers called Navigators, who meet veterans and the people important to them face to face and, after building a trusting relationship, walk with them through the process of obtaining the resources they seek and need. Bridge Navigators help them find their way, making connections for life.
Once Bridge is funded, Luker will become the first Executive Director.
Jon Luker
Cell 734 260-2211