Robert Edward Kushmaul, Jr.

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robert_kushmaul-chelseaEngineman Third Class Robert Edward Kushmaul, Jr. was born on August 9, 1948 in Adrian, Michigan to Mr. Robert E. and Mrs. Maxine De Verna Kushmaul. Robert is a 1966 graduate of Chelsea High School where he was the President of his Class, a Charter Member of the Key Club, a member of the Student Council, and President of FFA.

Engineman Third Class Kushmaul entered the Navy on February 2, 1967. He began his tour of duty in Kien Giang Province, South Vietnam on February 15, 1969 serving with Patrol Boat River 8131, Task Force 116, United States Naval Forces Vietnam. He was killed while on a river boat patroling on the Song Hkau Giang River South of Siagon on November 16, 1969 from a rocket explosion.


Robert Edward Kushmaul, Jr. is survived by his parents, a brother and a sister. He lived 21 years, 3 months and 7 days. He is resting in Oak Grove Cemetery in Chelsea, Michigan. Robert's name is listed on the Vietnam Memorial in Ypsilanti Township under Chelsea. His name also appears on the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, DC on Panel 16W Line 084.


The Wall rubbing by John Kinzinger

r kushmaul

John  Reiber

Chesaning MI 48616
Remembering a friend.
We grew up not many miles apart in similar Michigan farming communities enjoying much the same things. My Father and his served together in the Navy Seabees in WWII. The last time I saw Bob was at Michigan State University at a Future Farmers of America function where we ran into each other by chance. I wish I could have served with him as my father did with his.
Sep 10, 2009


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