AVVA / VVA Chapter 310 1st Faces of Agent Orange Town Hall Meeting was a great success. Seventy-nine Veterans and their family members attended. Bob Kwiecinski, then President of VVA Chapter 310 welcomed everyone to the Meeting. Jon Luker, VVA310 and University Liaison Military Specialist for Concordia University, was instrumental in securing the Lecture Hall at Concordia University at no cost to AVVA / VVA Chapter 310. The meeting was simulcast to the Chapel on Campus. Jon announced that all were invited back on Veterans Day 2011 for Concordia’s Veteran Day Ceremony.
VVA 310 Member Sandie Wilson
Kelly Saiya-Cork, AVVA Chapter 310, graduated from the University of Toledo with a MS degree in Biology. Her graduate thesis and publications focused on bio-geo-chemical in forest soil changes at the ecosystem level. She also graduated with an Environmental Biology BS Degree from the University of Dayton. There she was inducted into Sigma Xi, a professional fraternity for science researchers. She explained that her family members were directly impacted by the production of Agent Orange in Hudson County, NJ. She has a passion for using her talents to improve the lives of those around her. She has worked in the environmental remediation field as well as the third party safety testing field. She explained how Environmental Scientists approach the soil testing at the molecular level.
Keith King, VVA Chapter 9, explained how his DNA has changed due to Agent Orange and the process he faces getting the VA to accept the reality that this disease has caused skin lesions and other health Issues. He explained that he has passed this disease to his daughter and her children. His daughter, Amy Applewhite spoke about living day to day with the effects of Agent Orange Disease and how it affects her two teenage daughters. Amy also suffers from the same skin lesions as her dad.
Nancy Switzer, AVVA National President and Betty Pike, AVVA MI State Vice President, attended as well as a member of US Congressional Representative John Dingell’s Office.
Members of the US Military Vets Motorcycle club and VVA members from Chapters across the State of Michigan attended.
Each Veteran, who attended received the Agent Orange Education Packet, an Agent Orange PIN, a Vietnam colored Poppy and a “Welcome Home” greeting as they arrived.
I would like to thank all of our patrons for this project. Without their financial support this event would not have been so successful. I would also like to thank the AVVA and VVA 310 members who helped this Town Hall meeting be a success.
Kathy Driscol - Chairperson