Important Dates
20 Jan: WCCV - NO MEETING this month
21 Jan: Merchandise Sales, Ann Arbor VA, 3rd Floor Canteen, 0800- 1400 hrs
27 Jan: Vietnam Cease Fire (1973)
03 Feb:VAVS Meeting, 1400 hrs, Ann Arbor VAMC
13 Feb: Monthly Meetings: VVA Board 1800 hrs; VVA General Mtg 1900 hrs
14 Feb: VVA 310 Monthly Breakfast, 0900 hrs, Holiday's Restaurant, 2080 W Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor
17 Feb: WCCV meeting, 1900 hrs, Saline American Legion
17 Feb:President's Day
18 Feb: Merchandise Sales, Ann Arbor VA, 3rd Floor Canteen, 0800- 1400 hrs
19 Feb: Coast Guard Reserve Birthday (1941)
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