Important Dates
September: Suicide Prevention Month
12- 15 Sept: Moving Wall, Hamburg, Manley Park
13 Sep: VVA 310 Monthly Breakfast, 0900 hrs, Holiday's Restaurant
16 Sep: WCCV Meeting, 1900 hrs, Saline American Legion Post 322
17 Sep: Merchandise Sales, Ann Arbor VA, 3rd Floor Canteen, 0800- 1400 hrs
18 Sep: Air Force Birthday (1947)
20 Sep: POW/ MIA Recognition Day (1990)
22 Sep: Veterans Radio Radio On The River, 1400- 1700 hrs, 5860 Geddes, Ypsi
27- 29 Sep: Clinton Fall Festival & Merchandise Sales, E. Michigan Ave & Tecumseh Rd, Clinton
10 Oct: Monthly Meetings: AVVA, 1800 hrs; VVA Board 1800 hrs; VVA General Mtg 1900 hrs
11 Oct: VVA 310 Monthly Breakfast, 0900 hrs, Holiday's Restaurant
13 Oct: U.S. Navy Birthday (1775)
15 Oct: Merchandise Sales, Ann Arbor VA, 3rd Floor Canteen, 0800- 1400 hrs
21 Oct: WCCV Meeting, 1900 hrs, Saline American Legion Post 322
31 Oct: Halloween Party, 17:30 hrs, VA Medical Center. Meet in the main lobby in your favorite Halloween costume.
10 Nov: Troop Packing Party, 1500 hrs, VFW Post. Be there early.
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